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School Mission Statement

Our school family, a place to love, inspire, grow and serve, learning with Jesus in all that we do.

Our School Aims

We provide an education that aims:

  • to have high expectations of pupils so that they can achieve the highest standards and make the best progress in all areas of their lives.
  • to develop essential skills of communication, numeracy and the use of information technology.
  • to provide for the spiritual, moral cultural, mental and physical development of pupils in the school.
  • to develop lively, enquiring, imaginative and creative minds.
  • to establish a stimulating school environment which will promote an enquiring attitude to, and enjoyment of, learning.
  • to create a secure and disciplined environment which will help the pupils to become more independent whilst encouraging them to develop positive and caring relationships with each other.
  • to ensure that the pupils apply themselves effectively to a wide range of tasks and activities.
  • to ensure that the pupils have the confidence to reach beyond what they already know, and apply current knowledge and skills to develop their understanding of new ideas and concepts
IMG 0671