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Religious Education

At St Mary and St Joseph VC Academy, Religious Education is the core of our curriculum and at the heart of all we do.

Religious Education supports our pupils in understanding that each of them is made in the image and likeness of God and is, therefore, unique and highly valued. Developing the importance of teaching and understanding our Catholic Faith is embraced by our whole school community.

Through our teaching of religious education, we aim to ensure that all our pupils:

  • come to know and understand God and His love for them.
  • develop their capacity for wonder, awe, reverence and spirituality.
  • develop a sense of self-worth through their experience of belonging to a caring community
  • are given the experiences of Church, Catholic and Christian traditions which are embraced and embodied by all.
  • are taught the importance of respecting, understanding and accepting people and traditions from other faiths, backgrounds and other races and cultures.
  • understand the importance of the Gospel Values and so grow to be loving, responsible and valued members of the community.
  • grow to recognise their place within the family, school, parish and global communities of which they are a part.
  • develop their skills and knowledge in RE through an appropriately challenging and progressive curriculum matched to their needs.

Our RE and Prayer & Liturgy policies can be found in the Policies section of the website.

RE is taught discretely and developmentally using the ‘Come and See’ Catholic Primary Religious Education Programme.

Knowledge Organisers

IMG 0681

Come and See at Home