Our school family, a place to love, inspire, grow and serve, learning with Jesus in all that we do.
Thank you for taking time to contact us, Someone from college will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.
Here you’ll find the latest exciting news and press releases from St Mary & St Joseph’s School.
A range of events, including school open days, school trips and open evenings, see below for more details.
St Mary & St Joseph VC Academy in Pocklington is part of the St Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Academy Trust and the family of Catholic Schools across the Diocese of Middlesbrough.
Below you will find links to information and websites that you might find useful.
Video recorded on 26 June to introduce the CMS for the Primary Schools' websites.
Here you’ll find the latest exciting news and press releases from St Mary & St Joseph VC Academy.
Please see our policy folder for our Safeguarding policy.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It inspects and regulates services in England for learners of all ages and children and young people.
Our governing Board of Directors provides strategic leadership and accountability.
Primary school performance tables provide information on the achievements of pupils in primary schools, how they compare with other schools in their local authority (LA) area and nationally.
Read below for our lates Pupil Premium statement.
What is Sports Premium?
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at St Mary & St Joseph VC Primary School.
Please see our policies folder for our Online-Saftey Policy
St Mary and St Joseph are our school saints
You will find our letters sent home to parents and carers here.
They are all downloadable below just in case you haven’t received them or you have misplaced your copy.
The term dates for this academic year are shown below:
Our Parish Church is St Mary and St Joseph in Pocklington
Christ is at the centre of all of our thoughts and actions and because of this, Collective Worship is a much-valued part of life at St Mary & St Joseph.
Catholic Social Teaching tells us how our Catholic Faith guides our actions.
At St Mary and St Joseph VC Academy, Religious Education is the core of our curriculum and at the heart of all we do.
Catholic schools, as part of the mission of the Church, are challenged by the gospel to promote the dignity of their pupils and to develop their gifts to the full.
At St Mary and St Jospeh Catholic Primary School our children are given the opportunity to develop their mathematical potential through a rich, engaging curriculum; maths is delivered through a mastery approach where all children can achieve in maths.
At St Mary & St Joseph VC Academy we believe that the teaching of Science should enable children to question, explore and discover, in order to develop a deep understanding of world in which we live.
We aim to provide children with the critical thinking skills to investigate the past and to develop their curiosity of the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
PE is hugely important and integral part of the curriculum and wider school life at St Mary and St Joseph VC Academy.
Additional Opportunities for Personal Development throughout the School Year
At St Mary & St Joseph VC Academy we believe that the teaching of Art and Design should inspire children and develop their confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art.
At St Mary & St Joseph VC Academy we believe that the teaching of Design and Technology should inspire children to be innovative and creative thinkers who understand the product design cycle through researching, designing, making and evaluating
At St Mary and St Joseph VC Academy we use the Kapow Music Scheme to teach music throughout the school.
Learning a foreign language is part of the primary National Curriculum and is a requirement for all children within Key Stage 2
At St Mary and St Joseph VC Academy we recognise that pupils are entitled to quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use it effectively.
At St Mary and St Joseph VC Academy we believe that PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) is an integral part of the curriculum
Each class has a Long Term Plan for two consecutive years, to accommodate our mixed-age classes.